Ello All, It's good to be back. I've started working and have access to a whiteboard so hopefully I can be as regular as I was (for the brief spells that I was regular.) For everyone who's stuck around and still checks this page, Thank you.
Ello all Been a while I know, but it's Valentine's Day and I figure it's as arbitrary a day to upload as any. So, presenting to you, WHY I've failed to write anything new lately.
At the risk of being labelled high brow for the subject matter I shall explain first:
Schrodinger, an Austrian theoretical physicist posited a 'thought problem' which is essentially a messed up situation scientists argue about for fun.
His thought problem, also called "Schrodinger's Cat", posited that if a cat was placed in a box which also contained a hammer that could break open a flask of Hydrocyanic acid (it kills...) then until the box was opened a scientific observation could not be made thus rendering the cat neither dead nor alive and therefore both dead AND alive. (For a better more detailed explanation)
This is from the day after he posited it...
There IS some irony in an Austrian putting a cat in an enclosed area and releasing toxic poisons. Don't get me wrong. I'd have done it to a cat too...evil b*stards.